10 Worst Luis Suarez Moments

With Luis Suarez alleged to have bitten a player in a football match for the THIRD time with Giorgio Chiellini the latest victim, it rings to mind that this talented superstar has been involved in a series of controversial incidents on the field. Here we highlight the top ten worst Luis Suarez moments which have blighted his career.

10. Kicking Michael Dawson

Suarez kicking DawsonThe last time the FA wrote the rule book, you were supposed to kick the ball. Luis Suarez shamefully kicks Tottenham defender Michael Dawson Instead. Dawson doesn’t make a big deal so it is another one Suarez gets away with.

9. Not shaking Patrice Evra’s hand

Suarez vs Evra non-handshakeThe first time Manchester United faced Liverpool after the striker had been convicted of racially abusing the Frenchman and a chance for Suarez to look the mature one and put the racism row behind them all, but he makes it worse. Suarez refuses to shake the Manchester United defender’s hand and makes the headlines ten times worse.

8. Pulling Rafael’s hair

Liverpool v Manchester United- Premier LeagueIn a heated game, Jamie Carraggher attempted a bad tackle on Rafael which lead to the Brazilian making a terrible foul on Lucas. This resulted in a scrap between the players and where men usually punch whilst girls pull hair; Luis Suarez pulls Rafael’s hair.

7. Red card tackle and fake injury

Suarez AjaxWhen playing for Ajax, he was just as bad in the Eredivise too, if not worse. The Uruguayan committed a red card challenge and in the process the opponent’s boot brushes him and Suarez uses this as a way to get out of being sent off. The referee thought he was “injured” and got away with it.

6. Kicking Scott Parker

Suarez vs ParkerIt seems as though Suarez has an agenda against Tottenham Hotspur as he kicks another Spurs player. This time Luis Suarez was supposedly going for the ball in mid air yet he slashes a powerful right foot straight into Scott Parker’s stomach, only a yellow card was produced.

5. Gets Jack Rodwell sent off

Britain Soccer Premier LeagueMidway through the first half Jack Rodwell was shown a red card for a perfect tackle on Luis Suarez. Why? The Liverpool player went down like he had just been shot from the crowd. The red card was later rescinded by the FA.

4. Dive against Stoke

Suarez dive vs StokeIf you wanted to, you could make a 30 minute video on Luis Suarez diving. Suarez worked his way into Stoke’s box beautifully and a Stoke defender went to tackle him, no where near the player or the ball and Luis Suarez seemed to just flop to the floor. Shameful.

3. Gesture to Fulham fans

Suarez gestureAfter losing 1-0 to Fulham in 2011, Luis Suarez was seen raising his middle finger to the Fulham fans as he left the pitch. He got a 1 game ban and a few games later he was given an 8 game ban for racially abusing Patrice Evra.

2. Handball against Ghana

Suarez handballUruguay were 2-1 up going into the last few minutes of the game when Ghana had a corner, a header won and it was going in everyone ready to cheer when Luis Suarez pushed it away with his hands. He got an immediate red card and Ghana were awarded a penalty. The penalty was missed and Suarez ran away celebrating like he just won the World Cup. Disgraceful.

1. Biting

Suarez bitesIs Suarez a vampire? Or a zombie? All he seems to do it bite. His first bite was when he was an Ajax player where a tackle led to a scrap and Luis Suarez dug his teeth into Otman Bakkal. His second one was when playing for Liverpool. Chelsea defender Ivanovic was marking him and Suarez just lost it and took a bite into his shoulder. The final one, this years 2014 World Cup! Randomly, decided to bite Italian defender Chelillni, thinking he’d get away with it! What an idiot.

Despite being a vastly talented footballer and an inspiration to people around the world, it seems Luis Suarez’s antics on the field are what he will be remembered for. Such a shame for a player who is arguably the best striker in the world right now.

Written by Nadeem – @nadz_robbani//@100PercentAFC

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